Top 3 Toasted Treats

Toast is a staple. It’s a very quick and reliable staple to depend on. A good slice of toast has been known to cure hangovers and help break down ginormous essay word counts. Don’t limit yourself to the predictable stuff either, when you break away from jam and butter a whole new world of toast opens up. Depending on your topping and choice of bready base, you could have toast for breakfast, brunch, a quick snack between meals and lunch. Although perhaps not all in one day, that would be slightly excessive. I’ve done a bit of experimenting with toppings and managed to narrow down my favourite 3 to share with you guys…

3. Strawberry S’mores Toast


This toast is so good for a little post meal sweet treat if you’ve not got any dessert in. It takes under 10 minutes from start to stomach and it’s guaranteed to satisfy any sweet tooth.

What you need:
1 slice of white bread
A couple of strawberries
! generous tablespoon of chocolate spread (whatever your preference is, I get nutella is great and all but I’ll be honest and say I tend to veer towards Cadbury’s)
A handful of mini marshmallows.
Tin foil

Firstly, you need to slice your strawberries lengthways into fine and even slices. Then pop your bread into your toaster on a low setting until it’s very slightly coloured and toasted. When your bread is almost toast, slather it with chocolate spread and place the strawberries ontop before scattering over some mini marshmallows. Transfer this onto small foiled tray and place under a hot grill for a few minutes or until the marshmallows are all melty and toasted.

2. Pizza ToastIMG_0804_FotorPizza! On toast! This is perfect for a post night out snack before bed because it’s soooo much cheaper and quicker than ordering an actual pizza. While I am aware that there are many pineapple haters, I for one am an absolute lover of a hawaiian and am willing to defend them until my dying day. If you’re not keen or you haven’t got any pineapple in stock, feel free to add whatever toppings you like – chorizo and sliced onion would go down a treat!

What you need:
1 slice white bread
1 ‘good old dollop’ of pizza/pasta stir in sauce
A handful of mozzerella (or whatever cheese you want really, mozzerella is just my personal cheese of choice)
Pineapple chunks
A couple slices of ham.

Essentially, it’s the same process as the previous toast. So, you need to just toast your bread, spread it with sauce, sprinkle with a base layer of cheese, top with pineapple chunks and torn up ham and finish off with a final dusting of cheese. Pop it under a hot grill until the cheese is all melted and you’re all set!

1. Chocolate, Banana and Salted Caramel ToastIMG_0785_FotorMy dear lord I cannot even begin to explain how good this toast is. It is perfection. I have no words, on with the recipe:

What you need:
1 slice white bread
1/2 banana
A great big wodge of chocolate spread (GO CADBURY’S! #notspon)
An ever greater wodge of salted caramel (I make my own because I’m a bit of a knob baker but you can get hold of jars of the stuff pretty easy from most supermarkets)

So, you’ll need to slice your banana into nice thin and even slices before toasting your bread and giving it a good coating of chocolate spread then plop down your banana slices. Take off the lif from your salted caramel jar and place it in the microwave for 30 seconds or so to loosen it so that you can drizzle it decadently over your toast. If you want, you can pop it into a hot oven for a few minutes to enjoy as a hot dessert but otherwise it’s absolutely ready to go.


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