Fancy Chocolate Spread On Toast (Difficulty – Easy)

So, this cheeky treat managed to get me through many arduous revision sessions while I basically chained myself to my desk desperately trying to memorise the poetry of Emily Dickinson. It’s super easy to make and makes you feel so accomplished because of its instagram worthy appearance and I promise it will make your life feel at least a fraction better before you remember the horrific reality of exam season.

Excuse the science posters dotted in the background, I invaded my flatmate's room with my poetry anthology and toast.
Excuse the science posters dotted in the background, I invaded my flatmate’s room with my poetry anthology and toast.

To make this little beauty you’re gonna need:

2 slices of bread (I would recommend using white bread but anything else should be fine)
1 banana
5-6 strawberries
A decent amount of chocolate spread (For me it’s definitely got to be Cadbury’s but I suppose Nutella is acceptable)

Here’s what’s gonna go down:

1. Slice the strawberries lengthways into thin and even pieces
2. Put your bread on to toast
3. While your bread is toasting, slice your banana into roughly the same thinness as the strawberries
4. Once the toast is ready, slather it with chocolate spread
5. Carefully layer the fruit onto the toast in an alternating pattern, you should fit about 4 pieces on each row and you can probably squeeze about 4-5 rows of fruit onto one slice
6. Cut the toast with a breadknife into triangles if you want it to look extra fancy and worthy of a place on your instagram
7. Enjoy with a cup of tea and pretend for at least 5 minutes that you don’t have any revision or academic obligations


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